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formatLabor Diskurs M.E.D.I.E.N. colloquium bookprojects formate  blog mailing list contact | DEUTSCH |
formatLabor (das; -s, -s) formatLabor (das; -s, -s) is a laboratory that puts new forms of media use and communication to test and develops experimental medial formats. * * *
* * * GLOSSARY: *New Method as collective technique *Possibility-space of digitality ============= Traditional theatre and
performative test arrangements ============= The laboratory : formatLabor thinks itself as laboratory of medial formats, as a physical and virtual space of medial exploration and as an open experiment of the artistic-scientific crossover; it is linked to the platform Diskurs: M.E.D.I.E.N. and the open Internet-Colloquium "Toward an Integral Theory of Media". In the formatLabor new forms of media use and of communication are put to the test and experimental formats in different media are developed. ============= *How is collectivity feasible?
formatLabor About The formatLabor explores communications and of the use of media: social and media formats, and investigates their epistemological, cognitive and aesthetic meaning. In particuliar we are interested the relationship between author and method, in formations of knowledge and the consequences of the universal media convergence. * * * The forms of communication and of the use of media limit and guide the possibilities of our knowledge, determine our doctrines (cognitions) and the forms of our aisthesis and aesthetics: Social and media formats therefore present an important part of the [historical a priori]. In modern age the media formats were determined by systems of writing down : the historical a priori was strongly determined by the media hardware and was understood as [medial a priori]. The formatLabor is neither about developing new formats for the mass media in the first place nor only about creating artistic advanced forms but about pure research of media and social formats in epistemological, cognitive, aesthetic and structural-practical dimension. Together with the universal media convergence and the digitalisation of nearly all cultural data, and the monopoly of data transfer by networked computers in the process of formation a new media space of [communicative] differenciation comes into being, which is to be investigated in theoretical and practical ways. Besides the book, the one-to-many transfer media (Radio, TV), the press and the interaction in presence a new area is coming into being in which social and medial formats mix and differenciate. We are talking about a “media supported public” in which social togetherness and cultural production coincide (clubs, mailing lists, alternative video projects, Wikis, blogs, free radio stations, interactive TV projects, podcasting a.s.o.) The formatLabor represents an invitation to joining the project work. The events arranged by the formatLabor are often more like open work meetings. They are places of shared production, of live-recombination of material, a think tank, and a place of contact for artists, musicians, concepters und other creative people. The formatLabor is realized in cooperation with the Kulturserver der Länder, the Freie Universität Berlin, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Universität der Künste, and is linked with the Plattform Diskurs M.E.D.I.E.N. and the internet colloquium Toward an Integral Theory of Media.
- - - - - FaQ
- - - - - The formatLabor experiments with different formats like video and audio installations, open screenings, radio sessions, live TV, theory disco, scenic readings, mini radio, narrative Vj-ing, temporary architecture and sound arrangement, with New Music as palm court music or with theory theatre. In our events we also present or perform format experiments, which in the traditional sense do not belong to any kind of theatre (i.e. book-, journal-, radio and collective writing projects) or which are hold in other places (i.e. performances in public space, passer-by interviews a.o.).
::the collective The group formatLabor is a collective of theorists and artists of different areas who work with interventions in public and half public space since the 1990s. One of its best known actions „Ein sehr kurzes Stück für Bankdirektoren“, which was performed in banks, was always – although sponsered by the ministery for science, research and culture – finished by a police operation. Today the formatLabor is especially about connecting scientific and artistic methods.
Participants up to now in
Meeting. The formatLabor organizes events in irregular rota. The formatLabor is not a closed group. The formatLabor doesn’t have a fixed program, but every evening has a topic. The formatLabor forms itself by the events. If you want to take part in the planning, please register here. [sign up] Experimental formats. The formatLabor focusses on the spring open experimenting with alternative formats. |
: Salons
Internet colloquium
des Wissens
18:00 Audiolounge: Sounds & Samples
What relations exist between medium and theory? Are media in principle ready for theory? Is the medium audio-visuality able to reflect itself as a medium in medium? What relations exist between knowledge and aesthetics? Can video be an instrument of theory and reflection? What will the audio-visual media be like twenty or thirty years later? How stands video to other static picture giving processes? Which possibilities present themselves for an aesthetic which rather focusses on the process than on the result? Wolfgang Ernst, Bernd Ternes, Oliver Lerone Schultz and Till Nikolaus von Heiseler discuss the ability of theory of media and present German and international video artists. The singer and performer Michaela Caspar and Séan D.C. Marquardt show “Without title 23”. This work breaks up the redundancy of picture and sound track with the help of live elements and accident operations. Manuel Bonik, Mic Mikina e.a. organize the theory disco on the topic, where the stage situation as well as the aesthetic and topic concentration of the production of the first part deconstruct themselves by and by and finally dissolve. In the second part the before taken materials are manufactured and feedback and redemption loops created in which not only the taken persons but the medium itself appears as an element of forming and is becoming an protagonist. The event is also like an open work meeting, it is a
place of joint production, of live recombination of material, a think
tank and a place of contact for artists, musicians, concepters and other
creative people. Guests may bring video and audio tracks relating to
the topic as well as videos which put to the test new ways of production
or experimental formats. "The formatLabor is a place, where you may present or develop further model-like, artistic or scientific, media practical or theoretical projects and where you may win comrade-in-arms." snab
: projekts The
permanence of the Crisis in Relation to the Whole of its Petrification - - - - -
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What sense does it make to combine two formats? - - - - - formatLabor develops new artistic scientific and mass medial formats. These formats can be situative (consisting of different constellations of presence) or medial, all of them can be interactive or implement a one-to-many-structure. The creative being on his own is often confronted with the alternative either to fit into a given cliché or not to find any connection or possibility of realizing.
- - - - - Songs & Sounds of Love &
Events "Each form of distribution will usually be linked with a possibility of contribution." dolly Individual authors and groups of authors may on their own authority occupy slots in space and time. It would be possible that in the framework of an event or in its context a regular format develops. Every individual evening has its topic and gains its form
substantially through the people involved. |
N E U E M E T H O D E N E U E M E T H O D E N E U E M E T H O D E N E U E M E T H O D E N E U E M E T H O D E N E U E M E T H O D E |